• Underwater party

    Birthdays at Leo's

    Welcome to an underwater party where kids can explore the wonders of the sea and meet the curious creatures of the ocean floor. The sea world party room takes kids on an adventure below the surface of the sea.

    Underwater world

    Step into an underwater theme room and dive into the wondrous world of the sea. The walls are decorated with underwater wonders, seahorses and colorful fish creating a delightful atmosphere.

    Book a birthday

    You can find this party room in these parks

    1. BAERUM

      Grini Næringspark 8, 1361 Østerås, Norway

    2. BERGEN

      Kokstaddalen 18, 5257 Kokstad, Norway


      Lumberveien 33, 4621 Kristiansand

    4. OSLO

      John G. Mattesons vei 4, 0687 Oslo


      Forusparken 24, 4033 Stavanger


      Ladebekken 6, 7041 Trondheim
